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The 千亿国际登录’s 就业服务中心 is the bridge between 你的 千亿国际登录的教育和你的目标 你的 未来.
我们是来帮助你的! 我们的工作人员将为您提供职业探索工具, 通过工作见习和实习进行体验式学习, 校内和校外的交流机会, 研究生院信息和申请协助, 求职技能, 简历和求职信协助, 模拟Interviewing, 注重职业发展研讨会, 以及其他各种职业发展事件.
The programs offered through the 就业服务中心 available to all 千亿国际登录 students and alumni, 所以一定要在大一的时候和我们联系. Let us guide you through creating your individualized “Academic and Beyond” plan of action. Our goal is to assist every student at KWU in meeting and exceeding their career goals. 我们不只是想帮助学生找工作. 我们想帮你找到一份事业!
记住,就业中心 不是 只是给老年人的资源. KWU致力于为每个学生提供四年的学习方法. We take a comprehensive approach to career planning that starts your first semester on 校园 with the Wesleyan Experience and spans all four years of your time at the university. 职业服务 着眼于未来规划 initiates the moment you step foot on the 校园 of 千亿国际登录!
此服务适用于大学部学生, MBA学生, and 校友 needing specific and situational perspective that meets your career goals. A 职业服务 student appointment might include one or more of the following career-focused areas,
- 专业及职业道路
- 简历和求职信
- 专业的声明
- 如何选择推荐信
- Interviewing技巧
- 网络的机会
- 体验式学习和/或服务学习机会
- 研究生准备
- 模拟Interviewing
Individual appointments are tailored to your situation and scheduled to meet the demands of your academic/professional schedule. One-on-one development is provided at the 就业服务中心 in the Albert Nelson Student Success Center in 纪念图书馆. Please reach out to set up an appointment with the Director of 职业服务, 克劳德特汉弗莱.
简单地说,经验可以为你的简历增色. Employers take many things into consideration when hiring for jobs: academic background, 专业, 经历(包括工作), 实习和志愿者), Interviewing时的举止. 在今天的就业市场, 通过工作见习获得的经验, 实习, 的服务培训, 就业对于实现你的职业目标至关重要. Find out how KWU can assist you in garnering and experiential learning opportunity.
Various workshops 是可用的 throughout the year on career-related topics, 比如Interviewing和社交礼仪, Interviewing技巧, 撰写简历和求职信, 求职技巧, 等. 工作坊在大学校园举行, as collaborative efforts with neighboring colleges and universities who welcome KWU students to attend 校园 events. Individual appointments can also be scheduled to review any of the workshop topics if the schedule of events does not meet a student’s schedule.
千亿国际登录 provides 模拟Interviewing and professional critiques to help you become more comfortable in interview situations. Mock interviews 是可用的 by appointment to guide you through the interview process and help you sharpen your skills for a professional interview.